

Online trading attracts thousands of people willing to make money on the stock market every year . However, 95% of traders lose money in the market. What are the keys to online trading? How can we place ourselves with guarantees among the 5% winner? Discover the fundamental bases to be a good trader of the hand of thinkers that feed your investment and personal mentality: Lorenzo Serratosa, Jose Iván García, Robert Greene, and others.


Bag To understand what is trading, and above all, today we talk about online trading, we will say that it consists of following clear investment strategies , which must be followed with self-control, discipline and knowledge, applied to the field of Online financial markets, that is, online, through the use of a computer. I like the way the investor José Iván García has , to simplify it:. 

"Trading is nothing more than trading, buying and selling, but in English. Spanish investors have coined that Anglo-Saxon term to refer to when this practice is carried out with shares in the stock market. 

There are many types of trading and can be applied in different time frames, from minutes to months or years. However, the concept of trading is usually associated with short-term investment, and, on the other hand, the idea of ​​"investment" as such, which is carried out in the long term " There are many trading strategies that have been developed over the years, some with their respective trading systems or automatic trading systems. 

Broker Alerts Kau + Each one has several variables: day trading, swing trading , quantitative trading , currencies , and all contemplate different temporal ranges and different mental perspectives to take into account when investing. 

Day trading is daily, also called: intraday. Many people are not really ready for this phase ... I want to tell you, that mental and emotional self-control is not properly developed by many avid novice investors, and those who thought they would "eat the market" end up losing more money than it would cost them Good stock market course , the market will eat them. The other variables each carry their time horizon and therefore their difficulty, need for time of dedication, etc. 


"The secret to being successful from a trading standpoint is to have an indefatigable, immortal and insatiable thirst for information and knowledge." Paul Tudor Jones

At one point in your life you are curious and you may wonder what is trading? Especially when you investigate a little and you know what you can win. At that time you can ask yourself can I live trading? How to live trading? It seems very interesting, and more when you inform yourself and discover some famous who works with day trading and who lives very well ... However, you continue to sound to Chinese all that of how to operate in stock market because you do not know where to start. 

This feeling should not worry you, since, among other things, 95% of those who enter this world do not have many ideas about it ... they end up losing everything, I will not hide the data. The big key that I consider important not to lose in trading is this: To live the trading you have to earn money, to earn money you have to train. Yes, it is, In order to live trading, there is a fundamental rule: that you form properly . 5% of winning traders usually agree on one thing: they do not stop training in their specialization, they do not stop learning.

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