Australia is every year the destination chosen by thousands of students of the world, who are looking for educational options in cosmopolitan countries that will allow them to obtain a degree but also an enviable professional and personal formation. When choosing a country in Oceania, this is the most popular destination , even by the Spaniards who are the Europeans who ask for more visas to study in this country.
Known as one of the happiest countries in the world, with an amazing quality of life, low unemployment rates and a solid educational system, Australia is among the top 15 countries to live in 2017 according to the US News & World Report and in 2016 was positioned as one of the 4 best countries to work according to the OECD. Its high scientific and technological development, coupled with the many opportunities it offers to perfect English are the main reasons that attract the attention of young people, who seek to find in Australia an integral personal and professional development.
Melbourne is one of its largest cities, the second largest in the country and the best quality of life in the last 6 years according to The Economist (2016). This city is home to Monash University, one of the 100 best universities in the world and the number 42 in employability according to the 2016 QS Ranking , which offers its students an unforgettable multicultural experience, which positions it as one of the universities foreign students.
Administration, Business, Margin, MBA, Masters, Maste, Postgradute, Study
The great advantage of the University of Monas is undoubtedly its prestige internationally, but at the same time it can offer formative advantages that stand out above the rest of the Australian centers. No matter which course is chosen, graduates from all areas are trained in a range of skills that are useful to any professional sector, which will be valued by employers when selecting candidates for a job opportunity. Thus, Monash students graduate with communication skills, analysis and research that the job market demands.
To make matters worse, studying a master's degree in Australia has benefits when looking for a job , as the Australian government allows these students to have work permits during and after their formative stage. According to local regulations, international students will be able to work part-time for up to 40 bi-weekly hours during their study time, with wages that can reach AUD 25 per hour.
Are you thinking about studying a master's degree abroad? The moment is now! Find out about the advantages of doing so at Monash University.
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